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Footstep . 발자취

2020/06/2 Foot step

About Artificial Intelligence


pie plot, hex plot, kde plot, jointplot, countplot

EDA를 위한 Visualization연습했는데 다양하고 화려한 plot이 많았습니다. (tech review참조)



Did learning about SQL again

To-do list


  • [x] Get up at 7
  • [x] Organize the blanket
  • [x] Put the flower on the windowsill
  • [x] Ask Bill about your stress
  • [x] Dream, R=VD Love and Thankfulness
  • [x] Do machine learning with Kaggle kernels
  • [x] One day One commit
  • [x] Get the supplements and the chocolate, make some water.
  • [x] Drink coffee, Do the diary about sleeping and thoughts.
  • [x] Stretch your body for 20 min
  • [x] Do Eng words
  • [x] walnut and almonds
  • [x] Go for cardio
    • [x] Have time to think about something new
  • [x] 미숫가루
  • [x] Do SQL
  • [x] Brush up on
  • [x] Do blogging and Make a tech blog once a week Post on github
  • [x] Do out-put, Skim through again
  • [x] Read AI news And the news
  • [x] Be social with data people
  • [x] Do Intermittent fasting at 7
  • [x] Stretch Ulnar nerve with 원동력 exercise
  • [x] Put the flower back from the windowsill
  • [x] Organize the day and create the next day's plan
  • [x] Read books with my book teacher
  • [x] Check the calendar




'Footstep . 발자취' 카테고리의 다른 글

2020/06/4 Foot step  (0) 2020.06.04
2020/06/3 Foot step  (0) 2020.06.03
2020/06/1 Foot step  (0) 2020.06.01
2020/05/29 Foot step  (0) 2020.05.29
2020/05/25 Foot step  (0) 2020.05.25