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Eng words

2020/7/23 Eng Words

Iterable 개별 원소를 반복적으로 셀 수 있는
Fingertip 손 끝
Grocer 잡화상
Be on track 착착 나아가다.
Thankfulness The feeling of being happy or grateful because of something
Baloney 허튼 소리
Color blind 색맹
Sufficient, Sufficiency 충분한, 충분한 양
Quantum 양자
Quantum computers  can use 0 and 1 simultaneously.
Substantially 상당히
Molecule 분자
Granule, Granular 작은 세포(알갱이)단위, 알갱이의(작은)
Carnival 축제
Harness 멜빵, 벨트
Opt-in 장기 기증자가 생전에 기증의사를 밝혔을때에 한해서 장기 기증이 가능
Opt-out 장기 기증을 거부하지 않은 사람들을 장기 기증자로 분류(암묵적인)

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