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2020-02-14-My footstep -Learn about the class of java package TheCars; public class Car{ String kind; String color; int V; int horsepower; } package TheCars; public class CarMain{ public static void main(String[] ar) { Car car1 = new Car(); car1.kind = "Good"; car1.color = "Black"; car1.V = 6; car1.horsepower = 560; } System.out.println("The info of the cars"); System.out.println("Product of the car = " + car1.kind + ..
2020-02-12-My footstep - Fixed the error about java class version in vscode - Learned the basic examples of java. test.java public class test{ public static void main(String[] ar) { Tiger tiger1 = new Tiger(); System.out.println("The adoption of the tiger1"); System.out.println("Name : " + tiger1.name + "Sound : " + tiger1.cry + "Behavior : " + tiger1.behavior); Dog dog1 = new Dog(); System.out.println("The adoption o..
2020-02-11-My footstep -Started doing Java.
2020-02-08-My footstep -learned dotnet framework -Started developing something with dotnet core MVC
2020-02-07-My footstep did the tutorial of Flask -started using the iTerm to open several terminals -learned about html, css
2020-02-06-My footstep learned about CLI -learned about Django tutorial -learned how to access to virtual environment
2020-02-05-My footstep Record what I did today. -Uploaded my first repository on Github https://github.com/rlska105/simple_crawling -Knew what is Cloud Computing -Practiced python crawling with Beautiful Soup, Requests -Googled how to upload a project in a repository on Github. -Read a book which talk about html
2020-02-04-My footstep Record what I did today. -Learned how to use git and github. -Activated git with sourcetree. -Practiced python crawling with Beautiful Soup, Requests